Build your trust online
Whenever you will be dealing with personal information or credit card numbers, you will need a SSL Certificate to protect this data. With an easy to use Control Panel and our Premium technical support, you will get your SSL Certificate as quick as possible, increasing trust and confidence by your potential customers.

Discover the Sectigo PositiveSSL familyOnly minutes away from securing your website
Only minutes away from securing your website
Secure your customer's data
Whenever you or your customers send data through your website, such as credit card numbers and personal information, this information is passing in plain-text through a variety of devices all around the world before reaching its final destination. SSL Certificates provide a mean for your businesses and consumers to secure the information being sent from and to your website, in a data-thief protected way. All data being sent and received will be encrypted so that no one but the final recipient will be able to decrypt the information being exchanged between your website and clients, providing an increased trustability and security to your business.

Make your customers aware
Consumers will be able to verify the transaction is secured by looking at the padlock shown next to the address of your website, as well as by the address starting with HTTPS instead of HTTP. In some cases, making use of some specific EV SSL certificates, the company name will be shown next to the address, making it more visible to the customers that the entity they are dealing with has taken all the necessary precautions to ensure a secure and trustable exchange of information.

You don't need to be an expert
Getting a SSL Certificate is often told to be a thug task, especially because it involves some technical knowledge that also some of the best skilled IT technician often lack of. We know this and there is nothing to be shamed about! SSL Certificates are usually requested and installed once a year (or even once every 2 or 3 years) and this makes things more difficult to remember. Having this in mind, we have designed our Control Panel in a way that works perfectly for IT Professionals as well as for anyone who never heard in his life of what a SSL Certificate and how to get it issued.

Easy to use interface
If you’ve never generated a CSR (Certificate Signing Request), you won’t need to type complicated commands on a console. Instead, our Control Panel will make it simpler for you, asking if you want to have this step done automatically by us. On top of this, we will always keep you updated via email and through our Control Panel about the steps needed to get your certificate issued as quick as possible. And if installing your newly received SSL Certificate is an issue, you can access directly from the Control Panel our Installation Manuals or chat directly with any of our technicians that will be able to assist you with the configuration, validation or installation of your SSL Certificate.